How to get Decred?

There are multiple ways to get decentralized credits (DCR).

  1. Buy DCR through an exchange service.
  2. Alternative ways of obtaining DCR:
    - PoW mining for the Decred Network.
    - PoS voting for the Decred Network.
    - Become a contractor for Decred.
    - Sell products or services for DCR.

1. Buy DCR

There are several options to buy DCR. Here is an updated list of exchange services.

  • The easiest way to buy DCR is via instant exchanges, no need to create an account.
  • Alternatively, you can trade DCR on high liquidity exchanges for better rates.
  • Another option is to use decentralized exchange protocols such as Bisq.
  • There is also an opportunity to buy DCR directly from people (OTC).

We expect exchange pairs with other national currencies soon.

Receive DCR

All you need to receive DCR is a valid address. You can easily generate an address from your wallet. Your coins will arrive within ~5 minutes after the transaction is made. To support the upkeep of the network, each transaction is charged a small fee based on the transaction size. Example of a Decred address:


2. Alternative ways