
All things Decred.

Category: News

News about Decred

Privacy and Smart Contract developers WANTED

Development work to complete the 2017 Decred Roadmap is happening right now. Two essential new features are privacy and smart contracts.

We invite you all to join the development work. There are funds secured to contract developers with the right skills and experience.

Decred is calling for collaboration so that the community will have the ability to vote on multiple implementations.

Check out the #privacy and #smart_contracts channels on the Decred Slack.

Anyone interested can contact @raedah on Slack.

100000+ Downloads of the Decred software

Since the start of Decred many new users have joined the project. Recently we have witnessed the 1.0 launch, which has introduced many innovative features to the network. One famous example is Hard Fork Voting.

On the official Decred website you can see that the Decred software has now been downloaded over 100K times. This is another milestone for the project!

The latest release can always be found on github:

All the software is open source. Feel free to join the development team or suggest improvements. Together we create the future of Decred!

How to buy DCR with dollars

Exciting development around the Decred project: you can now buy DCR using dollars. Moreover, you can exchange Decred to any major cryptocurrency available! This is an important step in the history of the project.

The website has recently started to support Decred. Check out their quote about Decred on the list of supported currencies:

Decred is a Bitcoin based cryptocurrency. Using a combined PoW/PoS consensus system, Decred represents a more stable and robust cryptocurrency that doesn’t require expensive mining hardware. Decred coins (DCR) are stored in special lite wallets that could serve as a mining tool as well

Head over to Changelly and buy Decred with your favourite (crypto)currency!


Two webshops accept Decred payments

There are two new webshops that accept payments in DCR. They ship worldwide, so everyone can buy their goods!

The webshops that have adopted Decred are and

It is a great sign if cryptocurrencies are adopted by merchants. First of all because it means that DCR has value in real life. Secondly, it means that the transaction network is trusted among webshop owners. Third, this type of adoption will attract many new users.

What can you buy?

If you like to spice up your food, you can now buy hot sauces and high quality pepper seeds at They offer hot sauces in 5 different flavours.

When you want to improve your brain skills, you can buy all sorts of puzzles at They offer all sorts of cubes and wooden puzzles.


Upcoming 1.0.0 Decred Release

In a recent edition of Bitcoin PR Buzz, the focus is on the monumental, historical Decred 1.0.0 release. The hype is more than justified in this case. Titled Decred Releases v1.0: The World’s First Cryptocurrency of the People, for the People, and by the People, it elucidates the most important facets of this breakthrough in the world of crypto currency governance.

“This historic release puts Decred stakeholders in charge of shaping the future of Decred through direct community consensus voting. For the first time in the history of cryptocurrencies, governing control moves away from centralized authorities, such as developers and miners, and is given to the community of stakeholders.”

Decred solves one of the most fundamental problems, if not the fundamental problem with Bitcoin, and we see this problem manifest today in the form of the segwit/Bitcoin Unlimited fiasco. In an episode of The Crypto Show, Bitcoin Core contributor Peter Todd mentioned the idea of allowing users to vote (or signal support) for hard forks, which is a concept that was heavily discussed at the Satoshi Roundtable in late February 2016. During the interview, Todd summarized why having users vote for changes to Bitcoin’s consensus rules would be an improvement over miner voting:

“Something like coin voting ‒ that could give you much better feedback on what people actually want. Right now, we don’t really have a good way of getting feedback.”

While for Bitcoin this is only an idea, for Decred it will be a reality!

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