Here is a summary of the 2017 Decred Roadmap. Each of these items is discussed in great detail on the official blog. View the post

  • Convert Decred into a stakeholder-directed DAO - While other projects have attempted to create a DAO via a monolithic smart contract, Decred will build a DAO in several steps, ensuring each component works independently before putting it into production.
    • Hard fork voting - Stakeholders will be able to vote on all hard fork changes to Decred, with only those changes obtaining greater than 75% support being activated.
    • Public proposal system - After hard fork voting is in production, an off-chain system will be created where Decred users can submit proposals for future work to be performed by the development organization.
    • Decentralized control of Decred funds - Currently, the control of Decred funds is centralized, and this will be resolved by creating a system whereby control of these funds is decentralized.
  • Lightning Network support - The lightning network is the most directly useful application of smart contracts to date since it allows for off-chain transactions that optionally settle on-chain. This infrastructure has clear benefits for both scaling and privacy.
  • Improved Graphical User Interface wallets - Make substantial progress with GUI wallets: Paymetheus (Windows) and Decrediton (Windows, OS X, and Linux). Continue to improve the user experience.
  • Request For Proposals - The RFP process will change to one where individuals and businesses will be contracted on a longer term basis to work for the project. There will be contracts for marketing, advertising, documentation and community management work.
  • Presence at events - With hard fork voting nearly ready for production, there is some legitimately interesting content to discuss at events. Presence at events will ramp up starting in late Q1 2017.
  • Enhanced privacy - Starting in late Q2 or early Q3 2017, a new initiative to enhance user privacy will be proposed.
  • Payment integration support - Instead of only focusing on Decred from a speculative position, efforts to integrate Decred as a payment method for businesses will be supported starting Q1 2017.

> The most recent Decred news